Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 8, 2013

Well I am totally new to this blogging thing, but I thought that I can't be the only new quilter out there and there is a lot of stuff out there that is meant to teach us but it is awful to keep the information together and not lose what is important.  So that is the reason for my new blog.  I am a disabled homemaker, quilter, lover of the outdoors and a grandmother of three beautiful grand kids, which unfortunately live thousands of  miles away and I never get to see.  I also have four children, which are all grown up and of course I never get to see them either.  I do however get to hear from my oldest and youngest child, I love their phone calls and wish I could live closer, however at this time that is not feasible.  I live in a trailer, which is totally paid for, with my husband and best friend.  We are happy with our lives and love each other a lot.

So on with it,  I have always wanted to learn how to quilt.  I collected fabric, patterns and everything else that I thought I would need in the last couple of years while working.  Now that I am not able to work, due to a serious accident which left both of my thumbs with rods and pins in them, I am taking the time to learn what I always wanted to learn - to quilt!

Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-AlongI am only able to do a little at a time due to constant pain and medication, but I am trying.  I joined a quilt a long which is called Aiming for Accuracy,  I

I finished my first block, after three tries.

1st block for Aiming for Accuracy

So this is my first blog.  Oh I forgot tomorrow I am going to start another project, can't wait to start but it is time to make supper now.